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Squash Courts

Squash is a high-paced, racquet sport that can burn between 600 and 850 calories an hour depending on the intensity of the game.
Benefits of these racquet sports include:

• Cardiovascular fitness
• Eye-hand coordination
• Well-toned arms and legs

Book a court and improve your stamina, strength, power, and reaction.

Booking squash courts
To book a 45-minute time slot for the squash court, phone the community centre at 604-718-6575 ext.1 or visit us in-person.
Squash court reservations will be forfeited if payment is not received by the start of the court booking time. All payments will be accepted in-person prior to your court reservation. Please allow yourself ample time prior to your reservation to check-in at the front desk and pay for your booking.

→Please visit link below for more information: https://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/racquetball-squash.aspx

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