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​Licensed Preschool

Licensed Preschool at Champlain Heights Community Centre ages 3 to 5 years.

Our Nature Preschool programs use nature as place for play and exploration in all seasons, and strengthen the connection between children and the natural world. We spend a third of our time outside exploring and the remainder back in the classroom to deepen the children’s knowledge. Also, we provide a variety of developmentally appropriate activities in a safe, positive and nurturing environment.

Activities include free play, STEAM, arts and crafts, music, story time, baking, gym, snack time, as well as pre-planned field trips throughout the year.

Guided nature experiences by our licensed preschool teachers in Champlain Heights’ numerous parks and greenways offer children improved opportunities for authentic connections with nature.

There are a maximum of 20 children in each class and 2 qualified teachers.
This program runs from September to June and is closed for: Statutory holidays, Christmas Break (2 weeks), Spring Break (2 weeks).

2024-2025 Fees

MORNINGS COST Register at Champlain Heights Community Centre
3 years olds Tuesday / Thursday 9:00am – 11:30am $164/month
4 year olds Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm $272/month
3 & 4 year olds Monday / Wednesday / Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm
& Tuesday / Thursday 9:00am – 11:30am
3 & 4 year olds Tuesday / Thursday 12:45pm – 2:45pm $133/month
3 & 4 year olds Monday / Wednesday / Friday 12:45pm – 2:45pm $190/month
3 & 4 year olds  Monday to Friday 12:45pm – 2:45pm $298/month


Please note the fees listed above do not reflect the discounted ministry approved
child care fee reduction initiative (CCFRI). Final price may decrease slightly.

Contact us for more information and to register
Phone 604-718-6575 or email pre-school@champlainheightscc.ca

Register online through the City of Vancouver Registration System at https://recreation.vancouver.ca 


Registration is on-going until spaces are full.
If you are interested in any of our  preschool programs, please contact the front desk, in person or by calling (604) 718-6575, to add your child to the call list.  When spaces come available, parents will be informed.

For interest in our 2023/2024 preschool programs, please add your child to the call list in person or by calling the front desk at the centre. Please note that joining the call list does not guarantee enrolment into the school year. Children who have completed the 3 year old preschool program will be given priority for the 4 year old class of the subsequent year. Staff will contact parents in early 2022 (date to be announced) as classes are being formed for the upcoming September session.

Preschool is closed for summer break and will reopen September after Labour Day. We are open for registration during summer and available for information and inquires via email only. Please email the preschool email address at pre-school@champlainheightscc.ca. The preschool teacher will check emails every Wednesday and replies will be sent by Friday.

To complete registration, the contacted parents will receive a registration package (either be picked up or emailed) to be completed and returned to the preschool teacher. A non-refundable deposit for the first (September) and last (June) months of the program will be required at registration. At the same time, a completed credit card authorization form will be required for the balance of the year.

Please Note:  All requests to withdraw your child from the program must be made by giving one month’s written notice to the preschool. You are required to give notice by the first calendar day of the month. The program will charge one month’s fees in lieu of proper notice. Withdrawal after December 1st will forfeit the June deposit.

Our Preschool Facilities

Licensed Childcare News


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