Call for Community Playground Adisory Volunteers The Champlain Heights Community Association is seeking up to fifteen playground renewal volunteers to design and advise on replacement of our public-use playground next to our preschool. This playground will be dedicated to our youngest learners, approximately 2 to 5 years of age, and is being built and paid for by the Community Association. This renewal will be accompanying a second, 5 to 12 year old playground to the south west of the community centre, being built and paid for by the Vancouver Park Board. Incorporated within both playgrounds will be self-watering welcome-garden boxes with generous seating and several permanent, large outdoor park musical instruments. All members of the community are welcome to join this new advisory committee, working alongside with one or more of our community association directors. We look forward to working on this wonderful community project involving everybody in the neighbourhood. Please forward your details to; call 604-718-6575; or drop into the centre at 3350 Maquinna Drive, Vancouver BC.